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California Park Fire is a Caregiver's worst nightmare

GET OUT - Evacuation Orders - THIS IS NOT A DRILL! 8.11.24

Hello KIRC Fam~

It is with a heavy heart and a great deal of stress and exhaustion that I share this KIRC update.

The Keeping It REAL Caregiving newsletter and caregiving content will be on an extended pause effectively immediately.

Why? The Park Fire, which continues to burn through Northern California since starting July 24, 2024.

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My husband and I are just two victims of this fire which has destroyed more than 1,000 structures; many of them homes - including ours. A few items which fit into our respective cars is what we have. We’re calling it a wildfire-forced downsizing.

We made it out safely with each other, and a few items which were already loaded into ‘go bins’ and ‘go bags.’

What is left of my home/ Butte County, California - Park Fire

My heart goes out to our neighbors, friends, and colleagues who have also lost homes. Many others are also sifting through the remnants of their homes and lives. The only bright spot in this disaster is that the loss of life has not been catastrophic. The California fire agency Cal Fire reports one civilian death. But even one is too many.

The past two weeks have been traumatic, devastating, emotionally exhausting, and simply overwhelming on many MANY levels.

I do intend to return to the ongoing mission of sharing practical information regarding family caregiving. But for right now my focus must shift to the recovery and rebuilding of my own world. The priority is the safety and well being of myself and my husband.

But I will say this again and will continue repeating it: if you are a family caregiver, take steps NOW to plan ahead for every manner of emergency you could possibly imagine!

No one ever wants to think ‘it’ could happen to them. Guess what? It can and it does.

Please make a plan to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Until next time~

*Note: Many of you have already reached out online and via social media asking, ‘What can I do to help?’ If you feel so inclined, a paid subscription to the Keeping It REAL Caregiving newsletter would be welcome and appreciated. Once the ‘fire dust’ settles, the work of raising awareness for family caregiving will continue.

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Keeping It REAL Caregiving
Keeping It REAL Caregiving
Julia Yarbough
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