You are invited to the Keeping It REAL Caregiving Virtual Storytime to celebrate Older Americans Month.

Join us Monday May 16, 2022 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
This is the first KIRC event for our premium subscribers only and I'm excited to be able to connect with you!
Event description: In recognition of Older Americans Month, May 2022 - Keeping It REAL Caregiving is hosting a virtual storytime event.
This is your opportunity to share a memorable moment or life lesson learned, thanks to a conversation or interaction with a parent, grandparent or other elder in your life.
How can our lives be enhanced by the experiences and wisdom of those who are in the third-third? Let's get together and share!

We'll be meeting on ZOOM - so it's a chance to get to know each other and I hope you'll join in!
It's easy - here's all the information you need to take part in this new exclusive event.
Meeting ID: 878 567 0633
Passcode: mDQ4FW
See you then!