DRUM ROLL PLEASE... Announcing Caring Across Communities!
CARE = A new partnership with Power Saver Rewards
Hello KIRC fam~
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to those of you new to our Keeping It REAL Caregiving family - glad you are here!
As Keeping It REAL Caregiving continues to evolve, so too does my vision for some of the different ways I might be able to help others. I know the challenges of being a family caregiver. I lived it. And when I think back to the ups and downs of caring for my mother during the final years of her life, I honestly wonder ‘How did I manage?’ But I did. It may not always be easy, but you will too!
When I said goodbye to Miss Nellie in September of 2020, I could have easily thrown in the towel saying ‘I’m finished with caregiving. Move on. Good luck to the next round of folks moving into this reality. I’m out!’ But I didn’t.
Why? Because, as a lifelong journalist I know that personal stories are powerful. They can educate, inspire, guide, and drive change. That is why I started writing and sharing information with Keeping It REAL Caregiving.
That is also why I am proud and excited to announce the next phase of this journey. Caring Across Communities, Inc. - the non-profit (501c3) division of Keeping It REAL Caregiving.
Elevating and cultivating public awareness of family caregiving using multi-media forums, through delivery of collaborative support and advocacy programs to intergenerational, cross-cultural, and caring communities.
Why Caring Across Communities?
My caregiving journey taught me a lot about how our medical system works, how society can easily overlook the needs of an aging population, and how equity and discrimination present themselves in caring for aging people of color. Those are just some of the systematic issues that made me realize I must be an advocate within this space.
On the practical side, I learned there are many aspects of our lives that we may take for granted but that can have a huge impact on us and those we care for.
That is why I always urge family caregivers to plan ahead. Try to think of every imaginable scenario possible, then have a back-up plan in place. Especially when it comes to weather and natural disasters that can lead to losing power. ⚡⚡ No electricity.
Let me ask you this. If you care for a loved one what do you do if you lose power in your home? It may not be something you think about, right? That is… until you have to!
How will you keep your loved one safe from the heat?
How will you prepare a meal with no stove or microwave?
What might happen to the food in your refrigerator or freezer?
You might not think these items fall into the category of caregiving but I say - yes they do!
So I am thrilled to share Caring Across Communities, Inc. and our first partnership project and it is here in my home state of California.
This summer, Caring Across Communities has been selected to partner with Power Saver Rewards to spread the word about the Power Saver Rewards program. It is a free program sponsored by the State of California that gives you a credit on your utility bill when you reduce energy during a Flex Alert.
What is a Flex Alert?
A Flex Alert is a call to reduce energy use (usually on hot days from 4 to 9 p.m.) to help prevent a power outage. We didn’t have any Flex Alerts last year, but typically, there are 3 to 4 per year. The best way to reduce your energy use during a Flex Alert is to set the thermostat to 78 and hold off on using large appliances.
Caring Across Communities will be out in the community sharing information about Power Saver Rewards at several Thursday Night Farmers’ Markets in Downtown Chico. I can’t wait to see those of you here in the local community.
Our first event:
Thursday, May 30, 2024 in Downtown Chico - Butte County
Make sure to look for my booth, stop by, say hi. It will be wonderful to connect in person!
I’m thrilled to be able to help others ‘connect the dots’ to the importance of being prepared. Thinking about our power usage and the possibility of power outages can be critical for family caregivers.
For instance, if you or your loved one relies on health devices that need power, it is important to be able to take proactive measures before there is an emergency.
My hope is that every single family caregiver takes a few minutes to think about an element of CARE that may not have crossed your mind. I will say it again:
What happens if you lose 🔌 power?
What steps can you take to possibly help prevent that from taking place?
For those of you here in Northern California and if you are a customer of Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) in the Butte, Glenn, or Tehama County regions then you qualify for the Power Saver Rewards program. You can register for free at PowerSaverRewards.org.
To get a bill credit, just reduce your energy use when you receive a Flex Alert notification. I’ll be working hard to alert you to those moments.
This is a FREE program so really, it is a win/win. You can read a more detailed dive into the program by clicking here.
❤️🌸Keeping It REAL Caregiving is a labor of love driven by a belief that yes, we CAN change and improve how our society cares for us as we age!
🌹✍This new partnership is one way and I hope to create other programs that reach even beyond California.
If you lead, or are part of an organization that believes Caring Across Communities is possible and necessary, I would love to hear from you! Let’s connect. Collaborate. Create….
Until next time~